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Remote SupportLarge corporation provide support in many ways. If you look at how large pc and server manufactures such as Dell, HP, Compaq, IBM provide computer support. one can easily see that they've invested large amounts of time and resources into their solutions, They offer everything from phone support to onsite service call where technicians will go on location especially their server departments. Another category of computer desktop and server support is the one which returns more profit that probably all the rest. That's remote support that allows the technicians to access the troubled computer or server remotely so the technician can assist in resolving problems through the web or even in some cases through dial-up internet access services. Remote Support SoftwareRemote support software can be considered a higher profit margin gaining computer technology in that it allows in most cases support on the level of on-site tech visits without actually having the costs associated with the vehicles, in some cases fairs for traveling, etc. The desktop or server support technician uses the internet as the transportation medium that would otherwise require them to travel to see the screens of the computers they are working on. Tech support done remotely via software for remote desktop support in some cases can't be substituted for the requirement of sending techs onsite to replace hardware or depending on the manufacturer warranty service purchased or extended. This is especially the case with servers, software support computer desktop and server technicians could also be dispatched to go to the locations to help the customers perform setup procedures or repair the system. Microsoft applications have increased in complexity in that the are much more sophisticated and are dependant on many factors to operate properly or at least tot heir fullest extent. the combination of operating system updates and other updates having such an effect on the operating environment. Many individuals and small businesses are increasing their support options on computers and servers purchased in recent years to include application support. if not application support, statistics show that operating support purchases are increasing.
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